
Thursday, November 20, 2014

When Moose Fly

I had quite an exciting morning.  So exciting that it is too long for a Facebook post.  So you get to read it here.  Lucky you.  :)

In the mornings I drive Eldest across town to catch the commuter bus into Anchorage.  I then drop Youngest at school on my way back home, where I exercise and do Bible study before going to work.  Right now the sun doesn't come up until well after 9 am and we have no snow (what is THAT about??) so it is super dark.  Soon snow will work as a reflector and make things appear much brighter.  For now, though, think the blackest black you can imagine and you may come a little close.  Maybe.

Today I had just dropped Youngest and was heading home.  I was stopped at a stoplight just before the two lanes merge into one. My light turned green and a car came barreling down the soon-to-end lane and passed me.  I even commented to myself that they are an accident waiting to happen. (Also, I may or may not have called the driver an idiot...)

Just as he got to the merge point I saw his taillights start to spin.  I slammed on my brakes just as a moose came flying at me.  A moose.  Well, not flying through the air, more like spinning toward me along the road.  Legs flailing and spinning like a top. I swerved sharply to the left to avoid the moose as it spun away to the right.  The speed demon somehow managed to regain control and pulled to the side of the road.  The car behind me slammed on their brakes and had to figure out where to go, as I took the left and the moose took the right.  He finally followed me to the left.  I saw that the speed demon was ok, so I kept driving; as did the car behind me.

Then I started to shake.

Oh my goodness.  God loves me SO MUCH!!  Do you realize that if the speed demon hadn't cut me off at the light, I would have hit the moose??  And then the flying moose almost hit me. And frankly, it was close enough that I probably have chunks of hair on my car.  Have you ever seen a moose get hit?  I had no idea chunks of hair flew everywhere like that.  I am glad the speed demon was ok, but selfishly,  I'm even more glad that it was not me.  I only have one vehicle.  I don't have the money to get a new one.  Even if my car was totaled, I'm pretty sure the insurance would only be enough to pay it off, not to replace it. 

And I was wearing workout clothes as I planned to go directly to my treadmill when I got home.  And nobody wants to see that standing on the side of the road talking to Troopers.  At least it was dark enough maybe no one would have noticed... ;)

Count your blessings my friends!  And let me just say one more time:  My God is so amazing!  I am so thankful for his protection this morning!  How have you been blessed today? 

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