If you know me or have been reading my blog at all, you know that 2014 was not an easy year. In fact, I'd go so far as to say it was the hardest year I've had. However, it was also the best year I've had. Which sounds insane, but let me explain.
Through all of that hardship and all of that turmoil, through the loss of my marriage, through the loss of my health, through the loss of my family traditions and comforts, through the loss of my job...God has kept me going. He truly IS The Great Comforter.
Sometime this fall I started noticing little things that God would put in my life. I mean, I've always noticed some. I have praised him for the beauty around me. I've praised him for sweet little things that I know and recognize He put in my path. I've praised him for His divine provision when I needed it most. But this fall it became obvious that he'd send me a little love note now and again. I'm not even sure why I started calling them love notes. I don't know if I got it from the book I was reading at the time or if I got it from my friend with whom I was texting every evening as we healed from our divorces or if I just came up with it on my own. I don't remember. I only know that it stuck. Because there is no other better way to describe what happens.
What exactly is a love note from God? Well, it is just a sweet sign that He sends to remind me of His love. Of His unending grace. Just something that lets me know that He is thinking of me. Yeah. HE thinks of ME. He really does! And He loves me so much that He delights in showing me. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Seriously! The God of all creation, The Most High King, Christ my Redeemer, my Great Comforter....He takes time out of His busy day to show me that I am important to Him. That I do matter. And that He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me.
My favorite love notes this fall and winter have been the sunrises and sunsets. They have been glorious this year. So much so that I often have to pull off on the side of the road and just watch. Sometimes with tears streaming down my face. Other times it is the glory of a bright sunny day. Other times it is an unexpected bright full moon as I come around a curve in the road. Other times it is a surprise blessing like coming home to a plowed driveway or a pile of firewood. (Neither of which have yet been claimed by the giver. I love it when He leads people to do good deeds in secret!) Once it was even someone paying for my coffee and breakfast at Starbucks in a giant "pay it forward" loop. Today it was an unseasonably warm morning and a clear sky. I was able to curl up under a blanket on my deck chair and watch the stars during my prayer time. I've never once been able to do that. I spent hours out there during the summer, but there are no stars in Alaska in the summer. (ya know, because there is no darkness. The stars are there, obviously, but we can't see them.) And it has always been too cold or too wet or too icy to be on my deck in the winter. This year, my deck is almost completely clear and I have left my chair out the whole time rather than putting it in storage. Yay for laziness I guess. But this morning I snuggled out under my blanket and watched the stars and listened to the neighbor's chickens wake up. And I cried out to my Savior and to my God. And it was so peaceful and so blessed that I knew this was yet another love note.
I need to start one of those blessings jars or something and keep track of all of my love notes from God. I started the hashtag on my Instagram when I posted pictures of the amazing sunrises and sunsets. I use it on Facebook when I post about these amazing blessings. But perhaps I should start recording them. Every one. Every amazing breathtaking tear-inducing love note.
Have you taken time to notice the love notes that He sends you? Stop and pray today and ask Him to show you. Just ask for a love note. When I'm feeling sad or down or discouraged I will ask for one. I will ask Him to remind me. I feel selfish doing so, but honestly what parent doesn't delight when their child comes up and asks for a hug? It is the exact same thing! So do it. Ask Him. Ask Him for a love note and just sit back and watch. It may not be immediate, like my surprise full moon was. (seriously, remind me to tell you that story. I sobbed. It was so incredible.) But He WILL answer. Because He LOVES to show how much He loves us. Just try it! Ask. And watch.
My God is so amazing.
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